Type alias Cleanup

Cleanup: ((code, signal, processInfo) => void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false | Promise<void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false>)

Type declaration

    • (code, signal, processInfo): void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false | Promise<void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false>
    • The signature for the cleanup method.

      Arguments indicate the exit status of the child process.

      If a Promise is returned, then the process is not terminated until it resolves, and the resolution value is treated as the exit status (if a number) or signal exit (if a signal string).

      If undefined is returned, then no change is made, and the parent exits in the same way that the child exited.

      If boolean false is returned, then the parent's exit is canceled.

      If a number is returned, then the parent process exits with the number as its exitCode.

      If a signal string is returned, then the parent process is killed with the same signal that caused the child to exit.


      • code: number | null
      • signal: null | NodeJS.Signals
      • processInfo: {
            watchdogPid?: ChildProcess["pid"];
        • Optional watchdogPid?: ChildProcess["pid"]

      Returns void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false | Promise<void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false>

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