Cleanup: ((code, signal, processInfo) => void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false | Promise<void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false>)
Type declaration
- (code, signal, processInfo): void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false | Promise<void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false>
code: number | null
signal: null | NodeJS.Signals
processInfo: {
watchdogPid?: ChildProcess["pid"];
watchdogPid?: ChildProcess["pid"]
Returns void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false | Promise<void | undefined | number | NodeJS.Signals | false>
The signature for the cleanup method.
Arguments indicate the exit status of the child process.
If a Promise is returned, then the process is not terminated until it resolves, and the resolution value is treated as the exit status (if a number) or signal exit (if a signal string).
is returned, then no change is made, and the parent exits in the same way that the child exited.If boolean
is returned, then the parent's exit is canceled.If a number is returned, then the parent process exits with the number as its exitCode.
If a signal string is returned, then the parent process is killed with the same signal that caused the child to exit.