Module @tapjs/core - v4.0.0


This is the pluggable core of node-tap.

The TestBase class has the basic flow-control aspects of a tap Test object, but only the t.pass() and assertions.

All other assertions and features are added via plugins.

Full documentation available in the typedocs.

This is the base class of all sorts of test objects. It inherits from minipass.

This provides the core flow control and TAP generation facilities. The Test class inherits from this.

A child test class representing a child process that emits TAP on its standard output.

A child test class representing a worker thread that emits TAP on its standard output.

A child test class representing TAP parsed from standard input.

A child test class representing a file containing TAP data.

An object used to count pass, fail, todo, skip, total, and completed tests.

An object containing lists of test results.

An object representing a single ok/not ok test point.

A very minimal Test class with no plugins, which can be used in tap internal tests.

It is essentially just the TestBase class, but automatically starting in the constructor, and with a .test() method so that it can be used somewhat like a "normal" Test instance.

The reason that this method does not live on TestBase itself is that it would make it more awkward to define on the Test class, with all its plugins and extensions.

Only useful if you want a Test without any plugins, for some reason.

Captured values of process, process.argv, process.cwd(), and process.env at the start of the process, in case they change later on or are not available for some other reason.

The string path to the location of @tapjs/core.

The path to the main module that node ran.

The type of a plugin function which returns PluginValue and optionally which takes OptionsValue as options.

The extra info passed to assertions.

Extended by BaseOpts, TestBaseOpts, and ultimately TestOpts, since any subtest is also an assertion, and can take all the same assertion options.

