Module @tapjs/nock - v6.0.0


A tap extension that integrates nock.

  • t.nock()
    • automatically calls nock.disableNetConnect()
    • arguments are passed directly to nock, and the result from nock returned
    • asserts all nock scopes created within a test have been consumed
    • cleans only the nock scopes created within the current test, keeping nocks from parent tests
    • if no parent tests have nocks, calls nock.enableNetConnect() in teardown
  • t.nock.snapshot()
    • when snapshots are enabled, sends real requests and records responses to a fixture
    • when snapshots are not enabled, loads fixture data and sets up nock scopes for you

Load the @tapjs/nock plugin in your tap config.

For example, in .taprc:

  - @tapjs/nock

Or in package.json:

"tap": {
"plugins": ["@tapjs/nock"]

Then use it in your tests like so:

import t from 'tap'

t.test('sends a request', async t => {
.reply(200, { hello: 'world' })

const res = await fetch('')
t.equal(res.status, 200)
const body = await res.json()
t.same(body, { hello: 'world' })

// when snapshots are enabled, this test will send a real request
// and record the response
// when they are disabled, the recorded response will be
// automatically loaded into a nock scope, and the test will
// receive that response
// This requires that the @tapjs/snapshot plugin is enabled.
t.test('snapshots a request', async t => {

const res = await fetch('')
t.equal(res.status, 200)
const body = await res.json()
t.match(body, { db_name: 'registry' })

You may use it directly, though that is a bit more clunky, because it won't be automatically applied to child tests, but it can be good if you only need nock in a small number of tests.

import { plugin as tapNock } from '@tapjs/nock'
import t from 'tap'

t.test('sends a request', async t => {
const tn = tapNock(t)
.reply(200, { hello: 'world' })

const res = await fetch('')
t.equal(res.status, 200)
const body = await res.json()
t.same(body, { hello: 'world' })

// when snapshots are enabled, this test will send a real request
// and record the response
// when they are disabled, the recorded response will be
// automatically loaded into a nock scope, and the test will
// receive that response
// This requires that the @tapjs/snapshot plugin is enabled.
t.test('snapshots a request', async t => {
const tn = tapNock(t)

const res = await fetch('')
t.equal(res.status, 200)
const body = await res.json()
t.match(body, { db_name: 'registry' })

This plugin was originally developed by nlf as the standalone extension @npmcli/tap-nock, and the use case was a major inspiration for tap's plugin eventual architecture.

