Module index

The main tap export, ESM style

Essentially just a re-export of everything defined in the index, but with the t member as the default export.


Re-exports Maybe
Re-exports MaybePlugin
Re-exports after
Re-exports afterEach
Re-exports bailout
Re-exports before
Re-exports beforeEach
Re-exports capture
Re-exports captureFn
Re-exports comment
Re-exports createMock
Renames and re-exports t
Re-exports doesNotThrow
Re-exports emits
Re-exports end
Re-exports error
Re-exports fail
Re-exports fixture
Re-exports has
Re-exports hasStrict
Re-exports intercept
Re-exports match
Re-exports matchOnly
Re-exports matchOnlyStrict
Re-exports matchSnapshot
Re-exports matchStrict
Re-exports mockImport
Re-exports mockRequire
Re-exports not
Re-exports notHas
Re-exports notHasStrict
Re-exports notMatch
Re-exports notMatchOnly
Re-exports notMatchOnlyStrict
Re-exports notMatchStrict
Re-exports notOk
Re-exports notSame
Re-exports ok
Re-exports only
Re-exports pass
Re-exports plan
Re-exports pragma
Re-exports same
Re-exports skip
Re-exports spawn
Re-exports stdin
Re-exports stdinOnly
Re-exports strictNotSame
Re-exports t
Re-exports test
Re-exports testdir
Re-exports throws
Re-exports timeout
Re-exports todo
Re-exports type
Re-exports worker