The loosed and most flexibly magical matching strategy.
If the objects pass the tcompare!has.Has test, then return true.
If the pattern is a regular expression, then test it against the
string form of the test value.
If the pattern is a string, and the test value is a string, then test
that the pattern appears somewhere in the test value.
If the pattern is a string, and the test value is a Date, then test
parse the pattern as a Date and verify that they have the same value
If the pattern is a constructor, then test that the value is an
instance of the constructor. In the case of scalar constructors, like
Number, Boolean, etc, also pass if the typeof the value matches.
That is Match(1, { expect: Number }) passes.
If the pattern is the Array constructor, then pass for any iterable
The loosed and most flexibly magical matching strategy.
the value matches. That isMatch(1, { expect: Number })
constructor, then pass for any iterable valuef.