Options to control the formatting of objects.

interface FormatOptions {
    bufferChunkSize?: number;
    expect?: any;
    includeEnumerable?: boolean;
    includeGetters?: boolean;
    indent?: string;
    isKey?: boolean;
    key?: any;
    level?: number;
    parent?: Format;
    provisional?: boolean;
    reactString?: boolean;
    seen?: ((obj?) => false | Format);
    sort?: boolean;
    style?: StyleType;

Hierarchy (view full)


bufferChunkSize?: number
expect?: any

The object being compared against in comparison classes. (Not used in tcompare!format.Format.)

includeEnumerable?: boolean

Include any and all enumerable properties, including those inherited on the prototype chain. By default, only own properties are printed.

includeGetters?: boolean

Include getter properties

indent?: string

indentation level of this object within the object graph

isKey?: boolean

used when formatting Map keys

key?: any

Set when printing child fields

level?: number

level within the object graph being printed

parent?: Format

set when formatting keys and values of collections

provisional?: boolean

used when provisionally exploring a path for comparison

reactString?: boolean

Represent and compare react elements as JSX strings.

Only supported in the 'pretty' formatting style.

seen?: ((obj?) => false | Format)

test whether an object has been seen, and get a reference to the Format handling them, if so.

overridden in child classes when doing simplePrint()

Type declaration

    • (obj?): false | Format
    • Parameters

      • Optional obj: any

      Returns false | Format

sort?: boolean

sort items alphabetically by key

style?: StyleType

how to print this thing

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