The extra info passed to assertions.

Extended by BaseOpts, TestBaseOpts, and ultimately TestOpts, since any subtest is also an assertion, and can take all the same assertion options.

interface Extra {
    at?: null | CallSiteLike | CallSiteLikeJSON;
    bail?: boolean;
    diagnostic?: boolean;
    diff?: string;
    doNotWant?: any;
    error?: any;
    errorOrigin?: {
        at?: null | CallSiteLike | CallSiteLikeJSON;
        source?: string;
        stack?: string;
    expired?: string;
    found?: any;
    message?: string;
    pattern?: any;
    skip?: string | boolean;
    source?: string;
    stack?: string;
    tapChildBuffer?: string;
    test?: string;
    todo?: string | boolean;
    type?: string;
    wanted?: any;
    [k: string]: any;

Hierarchy (view full)


[k: string]: any


bail?: boolean
diagnostic?: boolean
diff?: string
doNotWant?: any
error?: any
errorOrigin?: {
    at?: null | CallSiteLike | CallSiteLikeJSON;
    source?: string;
    stack?: string;

Type declaration

expired?: string
found?: any
message?: string
pattern?: any
skip?: string | boolean
source?: string
stack?: string
tapChildBuffer?: string
test?: string
todo?: string | boolean
type?: string
wanted?: any

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